مفاهيم يجب ان تصحح لفتنة الشرك و التوحيد عند القرانيين

خاص بمناقشة القضايا الإسلامية من عقيدة، و فكر، و فقه، و فتاوى، الخ.
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مشاركات: 8
اشترك: يوليو 19th, 2009, 7:51 am

يوليو 19th, 2009, 5:17 pm

لا شك من اكبر الفتن الثي مرت بها الحركة او المذهب القراني هي فتنة اتهام الاخر بالشرك. و لكن لكي نفهم الفتنة علينا النظر الى جزورها. الفتنة ظهرت من الحركة الوهابية ثم نقلت الى القرانيين الامريكيين خاصة و رموز "اهل القران" المصرية عن طريق ثخصية رشاد خليفة.

عبد الوهاب اخذ بعد الايات في القران و قال ان عرب قريش كان يؤمنون "بالتوحيد الالوهية" و لكنهم كانوا مشركين لانهم مارسوا التوسل. اي ديانة مشركة في تاريخ البشرية تؤمن بالله الواحد؟ و لا اعرف ما دخل الشرك بالتوسل. هذا قراءة خاطئة لديانة قريش.

انا اسال؟ من قال لكم ان عرب قريش كانوا يؤمنون بان الله واحد؟ من قال لكم هذا؟ ماذا تعرفون عن عقيدة قريش؟

ألان الشرك ا صبحت تهمة يمكن الصاقها على اي شيء. الطواف حول الكعبة شرك, قبر الرسول شرك, زيارة الضريح شرك, و الان من ينطق محمد رسول الله فهو مشرك. بالله عليكم, ما دخل الشرك بكل هذا؟ ما دخل التوسل بالشرك؟ ما دخل الطواف بالشرك؟ ليست من القران في شيء!

هذا هو السبب لاندلاع نار التكفير الذي بدأءه ابن تيمية ثم محمد عبد الوهاب و ثم رشاد خليفة. كلها قائم على فهم خاطيء لديانة و عقيدة قريش.

اصبح الشرل لغزا لا ينجو منه الا ذو حظ عظيم!

. قريش كانوا مثل الهندوسكانوا هينوثيين(henotheism).

Henotheism (Greek εἷς θεός heis theos "one god") is a term coined by Max Müller, to mean worshiping a single god while accepting the existence or possible existence of other deities.

Reza Aslan-No God but God

In contrast, paganism among the sedentary societies of Arabia had developed from its
earlier and simpler manifestations into a complex form of neo-animism, providing a host of divine and semi-divine intermediaries who stood between the creator god and his creation. This creator god was called Allah, which is not a proper name but a contraction of the word al-ilah, meaning simply "the god." Like his Greek counterpart, Zeus, Allah was originally an ancient rain/sky deity who had been elevated into the role of the supreme god of the pre-Islamic Arabs. Though a powerful deity to swear by, Allah's eminent status in the Arab pantheon rendered him, like most High Gods, beyond the supplications of ordinary people. Only in times of great peril would anyone bother consulting him. Otherwise, it was far more expedient to turn to the lesser, more accessible gods who acted as Allah's intercessors, the most powerful of whom were his three daughters, Allat ("the goddess"), al-Uzza ("the mighty"), and Manat (the goddess of fate, whose name is probably derived from the Hebrew word mana, meaning "portion" or "share"). These divine mediators were not only represented in the Kaaba, they had their own individual shrines throughout the Arabian Peninsula: Allat in the city of Ta'if;

al-Uzza in Nakhlah; and Manat in Qudayd. It was to them that the Arabs prayed when they needed rain, when their children were ill, when they entered into battle or embarked on a journey deep into the treacherous desert abodes of the Jinn-those intelligent, imperceptible, and salvable beings made of smokeless flame who are called "genies" in the West and who function as the nymphs and fairies of Arabian mythology.

There were no priests and no pagan scriptures in pre-Islamic Arabia, but that does not mean the gods remained silent. They regularly revealed themselves through the ecstatic utterances of a group of cultic officials known as the Kahins. The Kahins were poets who functioned primarily as soothsayers and who, for a fee, would fall into a trance in which they would reveal divine messages through rhyming couplets. Poets already had an important role in pre-Islamic society as bards, tribal historians, social commentators, dispensers of moral philosophy, and, on occasion, administrators of justice. But the Kahins represented a more spiritual function of the poet. Emerging from every social and economic stratum, and including a number of women, the Kahins interpreted dreams, cleared up crimes, found lost animals, settled disputes, and expounded upon ethics. As with their Pythian counterparts at Delphi, however, the Kahins' oracles were vague and deliberately imprecise; it was the supplicant's responsibility to figure out what the gods actually meant.

Although considered the link between humanity and the divine, the Kahins did not communicate directly with the gods but rather accessed them through the Jinn and other spirits who were such an integral part of the Jahiliyyah religious experience. Even so, neither the Kahins, nor anyone else for that matter, had access to Allah. In fact, the god who had created the heavens and the earth, who had fashioned human beings in his own image, was the only god in the whole of the Hijaz not represented by an idol in the Kaaba. Although called "the King of the Gods" and "the Lord of the House," Allah was not the central deity in the Kaaba. That honor belonged to Hubal, the Syrian god who had been brought to Mecca centuries before the rise of Islam.

Despite Allah's minimal role in the religious cult of pre-Islamic Arabia, his eminent position in the Arab pantheon is a clear indication of just how far paganism in the Arabian Peninsula had evolved from its simple animistic roots. Perhaps the most striking example of this development can be seen in the processional chant that tradition claims the pilgrims sang as they approached the Kaaba:

Here I am, O Allah, here I am.

You have no partner,

Except such a partner as you have.

You possess him and all that is his.

This remarkable proclamation, with its obvious resemblance to the Muslim profession of faith-"There is no god but God"-may reveal the earliest traces in pre-Islamic Arabia of what the German philologist Max Muller termed henotheism: the belief in a single High God, without necessarily rejecting the existence of other, subordinate gods.

مثل الهندوسية, العقيدة القريشية كانت تؤمن بالاه اكبر و لكن ليس الاله الوحيد و لا يلجاء اليه الا في الضرورة القسوة. اما الهندوسية الاله الاكبر لا يعبد مباشرا الا من الطبقات الدينية المميزة و في حالت بلوغ مستوى كهنوتي معين. الاله الاكبر ليس متناولا للجميع.

الان اصبح الشرك تلقى علي من هب و دب. و لما لا, اذا كان العرب قديما يؤمنون ان الله واحد و هو الخالق و مع ذلك كانوا مشركين فعلينا ان نرى من ايضا يؤمن بان الله واحد مع ذلك مشركا. عرب قريش لم يكونوا موحدين فديانتهم مثل كثير من الديانات المشركة مثل الهندوس تؤمن بالهة ذو درجات هذا هو الشرك بعينه. ما الدخل التوسل و زيارة الضريح و النطق بالشهادتين بهذا؟

هذا باعتقادي قراءة خاطئة عن ديانة قريش. اذا سالت هندوسيا من خلق السموات و الارض و من ينرل المطر فسيقول لك الله. مثل الموظف اذا سالته من يدفع راتبك سيقول صاحب الشركة. و لكن لا يذهب لصاحب الشركة لقضاء امره فهو يذهب الى مديره المباشر. الا في الامور الطارئة يذهب الى صاحب الشركة. العرب كانوا هكذا, الله لا يستعان اليه الا في الامورالطارئة اما في المسائل اليومية فكنوا يدعون الالهة الاخرى. اي الاالهة درجات!!

مَا اتَّخَذَ اللَّهُ مِن وَلَدٍ وَمَا كَانَ مَعَهُ مِنْ إِلَـٰهٍ ۚ إِذًا لَّذَهَبَ كُلُّ إِلَـٰهٍ بِمَا خَلَقَ وَلَعَلَا بَعْضُهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ ۚ سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ عَمَّا يَصِفُونَ

من اراد ان يعلم اكثر عن الشرك و ثقافة الشرك فهذه المحاضرة سيبين ما هو الشرك و ما الذي يجمع كل ديانة الثرك و عبادة الاوثان و الاصنام

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 9025&hl=en

مفاهيم يجب ان تصحح!!

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